CRS offer effective waste systems on the market today. Exceptional build quality and innovation that is priced to sell. Whether its a C&D plant, C&I plant or combination of both. We have the technology to supply the best solution for your requirements.
Recycling SystemsCRS patented Flip Flow Screen design was developed to deal with most troublesome materials, built on the principle, heavier materials go further than lighter materials if the same force is applied. Reducing LOI to circa 4% in one plant.
Static Fines Clean UpThe CRS Mobile Picking Station is a 4-bay, fully transportable recycling unit. It is designed for contractors oroperators who require fast on-site and on-the-road mobility in order to efficiently carry out their waste processing & recycling operations.
Mobile Picking StationThe new revolutionary screen for cleaning and sizing wet, sticky and troublesome materials has been introduced by CRS and is called: “Kinetic Flow”: never before has such energy been incorporated into a screening action.
Mobile Fines Clean UpEarth Equipment Supply CRS Recycling Systems and Picking stations around London UK. Using knowledge, experience and huge engineering capabilities we can supply the best value plants in the UK. Offering various forms of leading technology which is designed to minimise landfill usage but increase the volume of retrievable recyclable materials. Therefore reducing expenditure whilst improving profitability. Call us for your recycling needs
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